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MHFA Standard

Détails du cours

Type de cours


Saskatoon, SK, Canada




15 Place


$250 CAD

Date de la session Heure de la session Notes de session
3 April 2024 10:00 – 17:30 EDT

Détails du cours

Informations sur les cours

Mental Health First Aid Training

MHFA Basic is intended for adults interacting with adults (18 years and older). This course focuses on the four most common mental health disorders, including substance-related, mood-related, anxiety and trauma-related, and psychotic disorders. This course’s participants are well prepared to interact confidently about mental health with their families, friends, communities, and workplaces. For more information, follow this Link

MHFA standard training.

April 3, 2023, 9 am – 4:30 pm

This 9-hour course opens with a self-directed module (Module 1) that focuses on the information and strategies participants will discuss and practice throughout the live classroom modules (Modules 2 and 3). Course participants will complete Module 1 before participating in Modules 2 and 3.

Upon registration, participants will receive a link to the Participant Reference Guide, which outlines MHFA actions for mental health and substance use problems and crises.

Module 1: Self-directed module that introduces participants to the course concepts and Mental Health First Aid actions.

Module 2: Live classroom module that discusses tools to apply MHFA actions to situations of declining mental well-being and guidelines for MHFA conversations with diverse populations.

Module 3: Live classroom module that allows participants to practice applying MHFA actions to crises and discusses the importance of self-care


Cours d'anglais

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