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MHFA Standard

Détails du cours

Type de cours


123 Aylmer Street South, Peterborough, ON, Canada




15 Place


$200 CAD

Date de la session Heure de la session Notes de session
16 April 2024 08:30 – 16:30 EDT

Taking place at YMCA, 123 Aylmer St. Peterborough

Détails du cours

Informations sur les cours

Looking to build your mental health support skills? YMCA Employment Services can help with our Mental Health First Aid course. Designed to help individuals recognize and support those with mental health challenges, this will provide you with the tool to make a difference in your community. With this Mental Health First Aid training, you’ll learn how to identify common mental health conditions, provide initial support, and connect individuals to appropriate resources. Plus, you’ll earn a valuable certification that can enhance your resume and open doors to new career opportunities. Invest in yourself and make a difference in the lives of others by becoming a Mental Health First Aider. Courses are offered in-person or virtually. Contact YMCA Employment Services to learn more about our upcoming courses and register today!

Cours d'anglais

Veuillez noter que ce cours n’est disponible qu’en anglais.

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