Si vous êtes en état de détresse, veuillez appeler ou texter le 988 n’importe quand. En cas d’urgence, appelez le 9-1-1 ou rendez-vous à votre service d’urgence local.

Booster Sessions

The Working Mind and The Working Mind First Responders (formerly Road to Mental Readiness) offer booster sessions to participants who have previously taken one of our training courses. The intention of a booster session is to review and refresh participants’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes around the key components of the course. 

If your organization has its own instructor, booster sessions are free to access. If not, there may be a cost for an outside instructor to lead the session. 

Currently, there are 3 instructor-led booster sessions available. We are pleased to begin offering self-paced online sessions, with additional Boosters currently in development.


Mental Health Continuum Model for Managers (or) Employees

This booster session, intended for managers or employees who have taken The Working Mind or The Working Mind First Responders, focuses on the following topics: 

  • Reviewing mental health and stigma 
  • Applying the Mental Health Continuum to case studies 
  • Reviewing the Ad Hoc Incident Review (AIR) tool 

Duration: 2 hours 
Delivery: Instructor-led. An instructor leads the group through the content of the booster session and engages in discussion around the various objectives. 

To schedule this booster, please email

Coping Strategies

This booster session, intended for managers or employees who have taken The Working Mind or The Working Mind First Responders, focuses on the following topics: 

  • Relationship between stress and performance
  • Review the Big 4 strategies
  • Introduce divided attention skills “Big 4 (+)” 
  • Build resilience

Duration: 1 hour 
Delivery: Instructor-led. An instructor leads the group through the content of the booster session and engages in discussion around the various objectives.

To schedule this booster, please email

Small group of people with a mixed age range sitting around a table in a cafe


Mental Health Continuum Model

This booster session, intended for managers or employees who have taken The Working Mind or The Working Mind First Responders, focuses on the following topics: 

  • Recalling the continuum 
  • Using the continuum
  • Self-reflection

Duration: 15 minutes
Delivery: Self-paced. Each participant completes the booster session online, at their own pace. 

To schedule this booster, please email


Coworker / Business Colleague Discussing Ideas on Work Studio

Self-paced Online Boosters in Development

The Big 4 coping strategies 

  • Recall the Big 4 strategies
  • Practice using the strategies 
  • Apply strategies effectively


  • What is stigma?
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • Self vs public stigma

Ad Hoc Incident Review (AIR)

  • Recall AIR concept
  • Effective use of the tools 
  • Practice using AIR


Intéressé par une formation en bien-être mental ? Nous avons des cours à venir qui correspondent à vos besoins et dans des formats qui conviennent à votre vie.

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Our Impact at Work

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Dernières nouvelles

En 2023, 7,5 % de la main-d’œuvre du SHN avait suivi la formation de l’EAT, ce qui témoigne de la portée croissante du programme. L’équipe du SHN a constaté un
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Dernières nouvelles

En 2023, 7,5 % de la main-d’œuvre du SHN avait suivi la formation de l’EAT, ce qui témoigne de la portée croissante du programme. L’équipe du SHN a constaté un
Interested in training for yourself? Need training for your Organization?